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05 Soundstage Backlot05 Soundstage Backlot
Transport & Traffic
Transport & Traffic
Improving traffic flows and investing in local transport
The proposed site is well-connected, and our plans aim to make the most of this, while improving the local transport network further.

The investment will allow for major upgrades to the Westhorpe roundabout from the A404 dual carriageway to prevent the current build-up of traffic queues on the roundabout. Without this investment, there will be a greater risk of serious accidents, and Marlow’s businesses and its citizens will be facing growing queues and longer delays in the next five years.

The proposed upgrades to the roundabout, endorsed by Highways England, will include traffic sensors and lights and the access roads will be widened. The Council is clear that it will not have resources to fund this itself from the public purse.

We will establish two new fully funded public bus services, marking a significant improvement to the current local bus provision. One route will connect the Elizabeth Line and Maidenhead town centre, through the Studio to Handy Cross Coachway and High Wycombe town centre and railway station. The other will be a local service between Marlow, Little Marlow and Bourne End. There will also be a bus interchange in the Entrance Square at the Studio which is open to the public.

Additional local cycle routes will be set up to encourage more active travel. The public right of way that passes through the site will be upgraded so that cycling will be safe alongside pedestrian use, and a new cycle path will be provided from the public right of way up to the A4155. Cycle parking is also integrated into the design and hire cycles will be available at the Entrance Square.

Recreational paths for walking will also be included along Westhorpe Lake, complementing the existing right of way.

All these measures will help us to achieve our target cap of just 60% of single-occupancy journeys to site being by car. Major improvements will also be made to the local road network and roundabout to future-proof the routes and reduce the potential for any impact on traffic.

Click to a video from Ian Dix, Senior Director of SLR Traffic Consultants, on the safety improvements proposed for the Westhorpe roundabout on the A404.

Cgi Map
Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Marlow Film Studios (ref: 22/06443/FULEA).

I am writing in support of the application for Marlow Film Studios, a film studio planned on former landfill next to the A404, within the parish of Little Marlow.

I was really encouraged to read of the latest polling across Bucks showing overwhelming support for the project and for the jobs and economic development that come with it. The opinions of residents across Bucks matters, particularly those who live and work close to the Studio site.

This is a decision that Bucks councillors should be making on behalf our children, and their future. This is a decision about providing them with greater opportunity and wider chances. The next generation urgently need opportunities for careers that keep them within Bucks and allow our towns and villages to flourish as homes for all ages.

Providing sustainable jobs and careers is vital for the long-term prosperity of any community. The growth of the British film industry over recent years has been extraordinary and its future growth is backed by all the political parties. Marlow Film Studios intends to be the future centre for British filmmaking. The fact that we have an industry of this global standing planning to build studios in our county is something we should be proud of. Many of today’s young people want to work in the creative sector.

I am particularly excited at the possibilities it provides for our disadvantaged communities. For local people, the Studios will also be close to one of the more culturally diverse parts of Buckinghamshire. The Studios’ partnerships with institutions such as Buckinghamshire College Group will provide access points to the creative economy for an under-represented diverse community as part of Wycombe’s regeneration challenge.

I understand that all new developments present challenges. But I believe that considerable efforts are being made to manage these. I am pleased to note the financing of the road traffic improvements on the Westhorpe roundabout, the provision of new bus routes, the care being put into providing accessible parkland for residents and a biodiverse environment.

The Studios are being built on a former gravel pit, on land that is no longer suitable for agriculture use. I understand that any decision on Green Belt land needs to illustrate clear benefits to the community that outweigh the impact. Overall, I believe the strong benefits robustly and significantly outweigh the negative considerations, and so I strongly support the planning application.
What will happen to your details: When you click “send” on this form, you will be added to our campaign and we will generate the a letter of support in the form linked above in your name for the Marlow Film Studios planning application. We will share this letter with Buckinghamshire Council councillors and officers, Buckinghamshire Parish Council councillors, Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC), and Members of Parliament. These organisations may upload this letter publicly on their planning portals and/or website and will adhere with their Privacy Policies. In particular, we are requesting that Buckinghamshire Council upload these letters to their Public Access website for our application. Any processing of data by Buckinghamshire Council will be in accordance with their Privacy Policy.

You may also submit comments or letters of support directly on the Public Access website.